How to deal with a variety of stains?

Ice cream and milk.
Rinse carpets immediately with soda, and then moisten it with a sponge dipped in lukewarm water. The smell of milk cannot be removed after the stain is dry. We collect the liquid with a cloth and wash the carpet with shampoo.
Stains on upholstery and fabrics, which cannot be washed, moisten with a sponge, collect the liquid with a cloth and moisten with a suitable remover. Dry stains on wet-wash fabrics should be soaked in an enzymatic detergent.

Rinse the stains on the carpet with soda, add a bactericide to the water and squeeze the liquid out with a cloth. If the dried stain discolored the fabric, rub the carpet with a sponge dipped in ammonia solution. Place the mattress on its side, we put a towel under the stain, so that the urine flows onto the towel, and rub the stain with a sponge dipped in a liquid cleaning upholstery mixed with a bactericide.

Hair oil.
Coat the fabric-covered headrests with a paste of talcum powder and a stain remover.
After drying, scrape the powder with a brush.

Paraffin (nafta).
Immediately squeeze out excess liquid and remove the stain with a stain remover. Remove the remains with a vacuum cleaner. We may have to repeat these steps.

Shoe polish.
We collect all the lumps of paste and moisten the stain with white spirit. We wash fabrics suitable for this, while the others are moistened with a sponge dipped in soapy water and squeezed out of excess water. Clean small traces with alcohol.

Immediately rinse beer stains on the carpet with soda and wipe dry. Then wash with carpet shampoo and squeeze the liquid several times with a cloth. If the carpet is made of non-acetate fiber, prepare a solution of white wine vinegar and water in proportion 1:5 and a sponge to moisten dry stains or use a stain remover spray.

We collect all lumps. We moisten the stain with a stain remover, by placing an absorbent pad on the underside of the fabric. Wet fabrics that are not suitable for washing with a sponge and cloth, squeeze excess liquid from them.

White fabrics are bleached with hydrogen peroxide. We wash the colored fabrics by hand with gray soap and dry them in the sun. Fabrics that cannot be washed at home are sent to the laundry. Soot. Sprinkle talcum powder on the carpet and scatter 20 we vacuum min.

We use a tar stain remover. Then we wash the fabric with shampoo or wipe it with a sponge and collect the excess liquid with a cloth.

Beet juice.
Washable fabrics are immediately rinsed in cold water,soak in borax solution or enzymatic detergent, and then we wash.
Remove dry stains on white fabrics with a stain remover.

Fruit juices.
We collect as much liquid as possible from the carpet and wash the stain with shampoo. Remove the rest with a cloth moistened with alcohol. Moisten the furniture upholstery with a sponge dipped in cold water, and then remove the stain with a stain removal kit.
Apply glycerin to dry stains on washable fabrics, and then soak in an enzymatic detergent and wash. Moisten the stains on the linen tablecloths with hydrogen peroxide.