What's the weather for February

What's the weather for February

Weather for February

All students are interested in the weather in February, who will have winter holidays during this time. Because it is then that they will be most interested in heavy snowfall, and at least in a normal atmosphere and winter aura.
Unfortunately, the forecasts are completely different from a typical Polish winter. It is true that in the South of the country you will not have to worry about snow. But in other regions of Poland, it will be much worse.

First of all, February will be characterized by huge temperature swings. There will be frosts once, and after a few days a thaw. It will be hard to withstand all outdoor ice rinks, which are created especially for children's winter holidays.

Meteorologists warn, before the weather in February, which will have a very negative impact on your well-being. Persons, which feel pressure surges and react poorly to gusty winds, they should prepare headache pills or stock up on good coffee.

One thing is certain, there will be no real winter this month. You can expect it, sudden spring relapses, who will not be able to decide, or to stay longer, or not.

Very likely, that looking at thermometers in February, mercury of the bars will indicate positive temperatures, even up to several degrees Celsius. And it's worth keeping in mind, that such changes can trigger the development of various diseases.