How's the weather for Christmas?

How's the weather for Christmas?

Holidays are a time of joy and reflection on everyday life, over whether everyone has a beautifully set Christmas table and a wonderful Christmas tree. If the whole world was surrounded by such a cloud of happiness, then we would associate holidays only with joy.

However, there is something that usually improves our holiday mood. I'm talking about the weather. Therefore, what will the weather be like for the holidays 2013? Well, these Christmas holidays will pass in a wonderful winter atmosphere. Just before Christmas, there will be white powder all over the country, the days will become sunny, and the nights will bring frost up to about -10 degrees C. Please note, that the roads will be slippery and dangerous, it is worth taking your foot off the gas, so that the atmosphere does not evaporate. And for fans of the ski slopes, only good news. White madness until the New Year's Eve. A thaw may come after the new year.

The north-eastern part of the country is to be the coldest during the holidays. But there will also be plenty of sunshine there during the day, and temperatures will be slightly below freezing.