Marcin Dubiel
first name and last name: Marcin Dubiel
age: 24 years
growth: 183 cm
Libra 76,5
Marcin Dubiel is the most recognizable Polish YouTuber. The youtube channel has over 1,5 million subscriptions. He also actively runs his social media channels on Instagram almost 2 million followers. Can be found under the name @marcindubiel.
Marcin's viewers are mainly young people and teenagers who like fun and challenges.
Recently, youtuber has been hiding details of his private life from fans and not talking about it, is she currently in a relationship. It is not known, so does Marcin Dubiel have a girlfriend.
Recently, YouTube has hardly recorded any videos. He claims that people on YouTube are only looking for entertainment, and she's sick of making a fool of herself.
Marcin Dubiel had a car accident. They wrote everywhere that Marcin was driving the car and caused the accident – he was really just a passenger and was going to the gym. They followed the car, who began to brake sharply and Marcin's acquaintance for fear of it, that he would not have time to stop before him – bounced to the right lane, and there was a taxi, ran out of fuel and crashed into a Volvo cab. The police came and found the guilt of Marcin's friend, but they didn't feel guilty of the accident. The dark side of the power of popularity, Marcin left the car in shock, adrenaline and immediately someone recognized him and took pictures and the scandal took place on all portals.
Marcin wonders – “what is going on, People” – sometimes it has an impression, that something was happening on the street, they would start taking pictures of him sooner than they would help.
For three months, Marcin went to journalism and new media, but ended up on youtube.
A friend who trades shoes contacted Marcin, that he wants to set up his own channel and wants to test his ideas on the internet, something like Lord kruszwil but in better style. Marcin agreed but offered to do a good deed, unfortunately, they combined the two ideas too much throughout the entire planning process and it was negatively received. They made a video on youtube, on which in gucci shirts they gave the homeless man shoes for 1000 PLN and additionally 1000 PLN in cash. He claims they had good intentions, but it came out very badly taken. These shoes were supposed to be clickbait.
In December 2018 of the year he published a photo with the caption that he is no longer with his girlfriend Nikola. They had a turbulent relationship, some things didn't turn out to be thought of by Marcin and Nikola. They did not want to force themselves to love. They broke up. It was hard, at one point there was a lack of mutual trust, but they will try to rebuild it and see if any of it comes out of it.
Marcin Dubiel cannot distinguish between professional and private life, private situations influenced so much work life, that at some point he came to the conclusion that he must change it. He does not want to lead to situations in which he loses and suffers, and tries to find the limits of what he can do on the internet, what can't, what it might show, and what does not fall out. Not so much that it got badly received by people, but that Marcin would feel good about it.
Took part in Fame MMA fights. He fought with former friend and youtuber Kacper Blonsky. It started with a scuffle, during which both contestants tried to knock each other over to the ground. After a long struggle, Dubiel managed to put on Kacpro nelson and brought him to the ground floor. In the second round, Dubiel threw his fists at the competitor, then Blonsky managed to knock him out and pin him down with his own body weight, hitting him with my fists. In the third round it became clear, that the winner in the fight is Kacper Blonsky.