There is nothing like Honda after Armani

There is nothing like Honda after Armani

A consumer with more knowledge about certain types of products values ​​them more, when before the spot, in which they appear, will see an advertisement associated with wealth (Journal of Consumer Research). Myungwoo Nam from the INSEAD business school in Sinagapura and Brian Sternthal from Northwestern University cleverly planned the course of the experiment. First, the volunteers watched advertisements for Armani clothes and Rolex watches (associated with high material status) or their counterparts of the Old Navy and Timex brands (low material status). Then a Honda Civic spot was shown to everyone. The volunteers' job was to evaluate the car. Consumers with a lot of automotive knowledge rated Honda more favorably after watching Armani and Rolex ads than Old Navy and Timeks. On the other hand, less aware consumers rated the target brand worse. Psychologists mark, that their observations coincide with the results of experiments using fictitious brands of stereo equipment and detergents.

The conclusions of the international team are very important, because they make producers aware, how their products can be viewed by potential buyers, who see them in all kinds of contexts every day. Therefore, not only the quality and the idea of ​​the car spot itself are important, perfumes or groats, but also this, what consumers will see a moment earlier. So the producer has hope, that the advertiser will allow him to influence the order in which the spots are presented.