Types of dreams

Types of dreams

Kluczem do interpretacji snu jest wiedza o tym jaki type of sleep nam się przyśnił. Aby ułatwić wam to zadanie przedstawiamy krótką charakterystykę głównych rodzajów dreams.

Symbolic dreams

They are a reflection of real life.. They draw our attention to important matters in our lives. Przekazywane są nam wówczas wskazówki w jaki sposób powinniśmy postąpić lub jaki wybór będzie miał dla nas najlepsze konsekwencje. Symbolic dreams ukazują niekiedy niektóre możliwe scenariusze przyszłych wydarzeń. This allows them to be changed before they even become reality. Symbolism is a way of communicating our consciousness with the subconscious. Recording as many dreams as possible allows us to interpret them in more detail.

Repeat dreams

It is a kind of symbolic dream. We recognize them after that, that they occur two or more times. Sny powtórne możemy podzielić na dwa types.

The first is this, in which the content of the dream is repeated unchanged every time. Second , in which there is only the theme of the dream. For example, it can be an event or people and the content they convey.

This type of dream is, in our opinion, the most important because it tells about the things that are most important to the dreamer.

Shock dreams (emotional)

It is kind of dreams, which evoke strong emotional states in the dreamer. We rarely have emotional dreams, but the kind we remember best. Sometimes we can remember the smallest details of a dream for several years. The great agitation they carry is a sign, that some significant change is taking place in our psyche. Zlecamy bardzo dokładną interpretacje tego kind of dreams.

Punishing dreams

They are very similar to emotional dreams because they also evoke strong emotional states. Their task is to show the dreamer important mistakes from the past. However, unlike emotional dreams, have a simple message and are very easy to interpret.

Physical dreams

These are dreams that arise under the influence of external or internal stimuli. The most common external stimuli are various types of sounds and the temperature of the place, in which we sleep. External factors include states of our body such as physiological needs or various types of diseases. All stimuli are transformed by our mind into dream visions. When we go to bed hungry, we can dream of food or hunger, which we cannot satisfy. Tego kind of dreams we don't usually interpret, because they don't carry any important message.

Dreams letting go

Probably each of us has met with dreams. They usually relate to past situations. It could be thinking intensely about something before falling asleep or a recently read book. Największe znaczenie mają jednak cut associated with strong emotions from the past, such as: traumatic experience or something very joyful. Usually these are dreams of little importance, ale czasami mogą nam powiedzieć dużo o stanie psychiki the dreamer.

Erotic dreams

While the diagnosis of erotic dream should not be difficult for anyone, its interpretation may be a more difficult matter. Mainly because, That cut these kinds of dreams may be of the nature of physical dreams, prophetic or symbolic. Najczęściej interpretuje się ten ostatni kind of dreams. Można z niego wyczytać wiele ukrytych informacji o wewnętrznych uczuciach śniącego oraz o jego ukrytych potrzebach seksualnych. Najczęściej erotic dreams to przejaw ukrytych fantazji seksualnych, unmet needs, be feelings of lust, we feel for some person.

Prophetic dreams

They are usually literal and refer to the future. They can tell us how our future will turn out. Starting with important things such as: work or life choices, and ending with an unimportant event, o którym szybko zapomnimy po przebudzeniu. Sny prophetic give us an opportunity to see and prepare for the future.

Reverse dreams

Ten kind of dreams jest często mylony ze snami proroczymi. Powodem jest wygląd tych dreams. They are identical with the only difference, that they should be read the other way around. Wizje przedstawione w snach the reverse is never realized. They are the negative of future events and as such are of great importance.

Lucid dreams

They are not subject to any interpretation because they do not convey any message. The reason is this, that these dreams create our awareness. W tego rodzaju snach The dreamer has a full or partial influence on the nature of the dream and the events contained in it.