Lucid dreams

Lucid dreams

Lucid dreams pozwalają nam kontrolować fabułę snu. During normal sleep, we cannot stop the sleep cycle at some point and go another route, this dream seems to flow with its life. However, during lucid dreams, we are like the creator of everything, what surrounds us. Be aware of it, that we are sleeping, and everything that surrounds us is not reality.

What lucid dreams give?

Lucid dreams przede wszystkim dają nieograniczone możliwości. Mając kontrolę nad sleeping, you can dream what you want, create the world, which you would like to see, doing what you dream about.

Techniques for controlling sleep

Istnieje wiele technik prowadzących do lucid dreaming. Some of them involve putting yourself in a state similar to hypnosis, drug to autosuggestion. An example: we keep telling ourselves all day long, że będziemy dream consciously. Thanks to this type of action, we can force ourselves to sleep under control. However, you have to remember, that everyone is susceptible in a different way. Another method, MILD, it is often unconsciously used by us in the morning. After waking up from sleep, we want to continue it, and thanks to this intention, we manage to induce a lucid dream. Korzystając z techniki WILD musimy płynnie przejść ze stanu awareness to sleep, this can be achieved in several ways, which we will write about soon in our dream book. Jeszcze jedną z bardziej znanych metod przejścia w lucid dream to technika 4+1. You should sleep for four hours and wake up for one. When we return to sleep, we are often partially asleep, łagodnie przechodząc w stan lucid dreams. You can write about the techniques of controlling sleep at will, if we got you interested in this article, Write to us, we will try to present the technique you have chosen.

Are lucid dreams safe?

Gdy omawiany jest temat lucid dreaming, we often encounter a wave of criticism and warnings from skeptics. Usually these opinions are exaggerated and extreme. The dangers of lucid dreaming exist when you overdose on it. It is known, however, that everything used in excess is harmful. In sum, as long as you stay in moderation using lucid dreaming, nie grozi Ci niebezpieczeństwo.

Lucid Dreams

Lucid dream może stać się niesamowitą zabawą. Thanks to this skill, we can overcome our fears, do things, which we are in fact ashamed or afraid of. By approaching sleep control wisely, we can learn a lot and have fun at the same time. If you've never tried this kind of dream, try it and share your thoughts with us.