What are dreams?

What are dreams?

Każdy człowiek odczuwa potrzebę sleep. Each of us sleeps an average of eight hours a day. It is when we rest and regain strength that we deal with the phenomenon of sleep.

Everyone dreams of appearing during sleep. We observe them as emotions, sounds, pictures or thoughts. All these elements create visions that are realistic or surreal in nature. So what are dreams? In short, you can say, it's projections (more or less successful) our subconscious, which visualizes it, what we think about in dreams.

Why we don't remember dreams?

To, czy zapamiętamy nasze cut It depends on many factors. The first moments after waking up are important. If something suddenly wakes us from sleep, wspomnienia o nim prysną jak mydlana bańka. Sny we can remember by simply focusing on remembering them. By telling myself, że zapamiętamy nasze cut, the brain receives a signal similar to remembering the password of a bank account. Additionally, the more time has passed since a dream, the more vague it becomes, until completely erased from memory, dlatego pamiętamy najczęściej cut, that we dreamed of before waking up. Sleep phases, in which dreams are most common, we call the alpha or REM phases. These phases occur during co-sleeping 90 minutes and lasts for several or several minutes.

Research over dreams

Od tysiącleci cut were interpreted by people , którzy przypisywali im mistyczne meaning. Relatively recently, psychologists such as Sigmund Freud have also started to deal with dreams. Dreams can have different meanings. From dreams portending the future for dreams showing the state of our psyche and physical health. Guessing the meaning of individual dreams is not easy. Knowing about it has helped people solve their problems for centuries. Today, the key to interpreting dreams is available to everyone through dream books or online dream books. Bardzo ważne jest aby wybrać odpowiedni sennik. Dream interpretation online stworzony z połączenia wiedzy antycznej oraz naukowej pomoże każdemu zinterpretować jego sny i wiedzę na ich temat zastosować w życiu codziennym.