The illusionist hangs over New York

The illusionist hangs over New York

Illusionist David Blaine kicked off a three-day show on Monday, podczas którego będzie wisiał do góry nogami …

Extremely unlucky driver from Zabrze

Extremely unlucky driver from Zabrze

63-Within an hour, summer Zabrze caused two road accidents on the same street. Po potrąceniu …

Rain has already been taxed

Rain has already been taxed

Inhabitants of Ravenna, in the north of Italy, have to pay tax on rain – informs the log “The Republic”. Miejscowy …

Blindly married

Blindly married

An electricity failure in the middle of a massive wedding ceremony in South India resulted, że dwóch panów młodych ożeniło się nie z tymi pannami …

Longevity potion has been recreated

Longevity potion has been recreated

Italian pharmacist from around Tuscan Siena – Giovanni de Munari – announced, że odtworzył eliksir długowieczności na bazie wina Chianti …

He ate 23 thousands of burgers

He ate 23 thousands of burgers

American Don Gorske claims, that from 1972 the year he managed to eat 23 thousand. burgers. A resident of the Fond du Lac says, że w zeszłym …