He went on vacation, they considered him dead

He went on vacation, they considered him dead

49-the year-old Briton went on an unplanned vacation. He did not inform any of his friends about them. He wasn't talking to anyone, neighbors notified the police. After a few days, his obituary appeared in the newspaper… or surely his? Is it enough to go on vacation in the UK?, to be presumed dead? Apparently so, as illustrated by the example of Michael ONeil from Middlesbrough. 49-year-old Michael decided to go on an unplanned vacation and flew to Australia. He didn't tell anyone about them, so after a few days friends and neighbors started to worry. Eventually they decided to notify the police. Officers broke into Michael's house and searched the building. A few days later, the worst guesses turned out to be true – Michael ONeil's obituary appeared in the newspaper. However, it turned out, that it was not our traveler, just another man, who just then died! They both had the same name, they were the same age and had identical siblings - two brothers. Nevertheless, it was about a completely different person! Nothing unusual, that everyone acknowledged, that the Michael they knew was really dead. When the right ONeil returned home, he was surprised to see the broken door and the house after the police unit had passed.

When the neighbors figured out, they thought he came back, it's a ghost. – They still don't believe, that I am alive. People grab me and touch me everywhere, because they think, that I am a ghost – comments on ONeil's strange situation.