Dream interpretation Fairy tale
Dream interpretation Fairy tale.
dream Book, dream about - Fairy tale.
The meaning of sleep - Fairy tale.
Read a fairy tale, tell a story:
Curiosities from the world
dream Book, dream about - Fairy tale.
The meaning of sleep - Fairy tale.
Read a fairy tale, tell a story:
dream Book, sen o - Bathroom.
The meaning of sleep - Swamp.
It symbolizes the fear of emotions, that will take over you.
dream Book, dream about - Bayonet.
The meaning of sleep - Bayonet.
Hold the dipstick: you take fate into your own hands.
dream Book, dream o - Porter.
The meaning of sleep - Porter.
See the porter: lie about you.
Pracować jako
dream Book, sen o - Luggage.
The meaning of sleep - Luggage.
You will have financial problems.
For the traveler: warning against problems.
dream Book, sen o - Badminton.
The importance of sleep - Badminton.
Watching Badminton: family life, it is a constant struggle for you;
Play Badminton:
dream Book, sen o - Research.
The Importance of Sleep - Scientific Research.
Your problems are going to be solved.
dream Book, dream o - Research.
The Importance of Sleep - Research.
Take care of your health before it's too late.
Carry out research: wkrótce znajdziesz odpowiedź na
dream Book, dream about - Explore, research (medicine).
The importance of sleep - Explore (medicine).
To examine someone: a profitable job is ahead.
Be examined: najbliższe wydarzenia
dream Book, dream o - Bacchus is a man who abuses alcohol.
The meaning of sleep - Bacchus.
If you run a business - make sure everything is fine.