Valentine's words: my you flea, my you cabbage
More than half of French lovers turn to each other, using affectionate terms, including the most common “sweetheart” the “my heart”, but also “my flea”, “cabbage” Whether “sarenko” – results from a survey conducted by TNS-Sofres on the occasion of Valentine's Day. Survey results, published in the latest issue of the Catholic weekly “Cloak”, they indicate, that more than half of the French (59 proc.) he uses sensitive expressions towards his or her partner. Their use is more popular in France than diminishing the names of loved ones. The ranking is clearly leading the traditional “sweetheart”, used by a quarter of the respondents, distancing the next ones in sequence “my heart” i “my baby”. As is clear from the declaration, Phrases referring to animals and vegetables are also very popular, and the most common are: “my flea”, “my deer”, “my cabbage”, a bit less often: “bunny” Whether “duckling”. Contrary to popular belief, the survey shows, that men use terms more often than women. According to specialists, this can be explained in part by this, that the male half of humanity thus betrays its paternalism towards women. – This is due to some form of unconscious nostalgia for the dominant place once occupied by a man in a couple..
Addressing the partner per “little thing”, it is giving her a certain place in the relationship – emphasizes in the weekly commenting the research “Cloak” sociologist Franšois de Singly. The survey was conducted in early January this year on a representative sample 1000 French adults.