Saturated fatty acids

Saturated fatty acids

saturated fatty acids
Common name Systematic name Group pattern Symbol Temp. peak.
Butter acid Butanoic acid

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein – was born in 1879 year – he died in 1955 year.

Albert Einstein's theories are the source of twentieth-century physics. …

What's the weather like for Christmas

What's the weather like for Christmas

Holidays are for us a moment of reflection but also of joy. We have been waiting for them since autumn. …

Will there be snow on Christmas Eve

Will there be snow on Christmas Eve

Probably most people like it when Christmas Eve passes in the winter aura. Of course, nie każdy …

How's the weather for Christmas?

How's the weather for Christmas?

Holidays are a time of joy and reflection on everyday life, over whether everyone has a beautifully set Christmas table and a wonderful Christmas tree. …

What weather for Christmas Eve

What weather for Christmas Eve

All with hope, as every year, we look forward to the white Christmas. This is exactly how it is now. Some time ago, …