The world's most disgusting ice cream?
The world's most disgusting ice cream?
The fight on the gastronomic market is in full swing! Producenci prześcigają się w wymyślaniu coraz to …
Curiosities from the world
The world's most disgusting ice cream?
The fight on the gastronomic market is in full swing! Producenci prześcigają się w wymyślaniu coraz to …
40-the year-old robbed three times “your” bank
W Moguncji 40-letni mężczyzna stanął przed sądem za trzykrotne …
The lake was gone in a few hours
Whether this is a kidnapping has yet to be established. Potężne jezioro w górach …
Guiness record: Grilling 12 tons of beef
Twelve tons of beef – tyle mięsa trafiło w niedzielę na olbrzymi ruszt w stolicy …
Record: the boy blew 213 balloons. The nose!
Andrew Dahl's dream was to enter the Guinness Book of Records. Everything shows that, that Friday his wish came true. …
He hypnotized the cashier in the supermarket
In Italy, a wanted poster was sent out for the man, who mesmerized the cashier in the supermarket and left with the money, which she gave him. Happening, opisane …
Scientists: However, money brings happiness…
When we spend them on others. The results of large-scale studies made it clear, że warto czasami przeznaczyć parę …
Millionaires and not very ambitious work.
Although the cleaner from Hamilton, in central Scotland, she won a record amount at bingo last Sunday 1 mln 167 thousand. 795 …
Had 1,6 per mille and he almost passed his driving license
A practical driving test was held at the Provincial Road Traffic Center in Przemyśl. Wszystko przebiegało …
A letter in a bottle found after 21 years
Letters thrown out to sea always find a recipient. Nawet po wielu latach i kilometrach podróżyMerle Brandell spacerował wzdłuż oceanu …