The policeman outdid the representatives of Poland
The policeman outdid the representatives of Poland
Two teenagers from Wisła robbed a machine. Policeman, who witnessed the incident, …
Curiosities from the world
The policeman outdid the representatives of Poland
Two teenagers from Wisła robbed a machine. Policeman, who witnessed the incident, …
The swan fell in love… a boat
Can you lose heart for a boat? It turns out, that yes, if the victim of the crush is a swan, a obiektem …
The world's largest sweet steam locomotive
Not railwaymen, lecz cukiernicy pod przewodnictwem mistrza świata Mieczysława Chojnowskiego …
A new Polish record in playing the accordion
In Miastko (Pomeranian) a new Polish Kashubian record for playing the accordion was established. …
Glasses remembering for us
Japanese scientists constructed glasses, which memorize the location of various important items, type of car keys. Okulary Smart Goggle rozpoznają przedmioty i kodują …
The teacher interrupted his sleep – demands compensation
16-A year-old Danbury, Connecticut high school student is claiming compensation for partial hearing loss, do której …
A gigantic bill for surfing the internet
Total telephone bill 85 thousand dollars was given to a resident of the Canadian city of Calgary. Man, który używał telefonu komórkowego do surfowania …
Flirt and cheat software
A Russian website offers software, which, under the guise of flirting, steals personal data – twierdzi firma zajmująca się bezpieczeństwem w …
The case of the holy cow in parliament
The British Parliament heard a complaint from one of the MPs against the euthanasia of the old cow by the veterinary service. It's not about any random cow, …
Record price for Rowling's manuscript.
Framed in leather, studded with semi-precious stones and put up with a asking price 50 thousand. pounds manuscript of an unpublished book by J.K. Rowling has been sold …