When the first snow
When the first snow
In fact, the first snow of the year has already fallen. It happened in January this year. Potem zima …
Curiosities from the world
In fact, the first snow of the year has already fallen. It happened in January this year. Potem zima …
For me, the most interesting part of any biography has always been the beginning. Road to succes. Who was, By …
For many people, studying in high school is the best time in life. …
This question is bothering me. Where, after death, our four-legged friends are coming? Może …
I'd throw a medicine ball on my foot, if I had to go back to high school. Wolę sobie powspominać te …
Davy Crockett used to say: make sure, that you are right and move on. He was called "a congressman in a raccoon's skin”, and he himself provided the crowds, …
One of the pressing needs of time is a proper funeral for those, who are accursed by all!
(H.L. Mencken, Prejudices, Sixth Series)
Są rzeczy których nie …
Eye shadow was used in ancient Egypt to draw circles around the eyes (similar to lipsticks to draw a circle around the mouth) – after …
During the battle, the ensign was always near the king. The lowering of the banner was a sign, that the king was either killed or badly wounded. Przesąd …
Palmistry it, generally speaking, the art of palm reading to learn about the owner's personality, about his past and possibly the future. Jeżeli umiesz …