Where to go on New Year's Eve
Where to go on New Year's Eve
Departure for New Year's Eve
Much depends on it, czy chcemy zostać w Polsce czy raczej wolelibyśmy pojechać …
Curiosities from the world
Departure for New Year's Eve
Much depends on it, czy chcemy zostać w Polsce czy raczej wolelibyśmy pojechać …
19 in May we had another visit. Students of pedagogy from Germany visited us as part of their educational trip. Odwiedzając najciekawsze polskie szkoły …
Romanticism is not passé.
Romance resounds at school:
I get bad in the bad crowd of people,
Cry, …
Today is a scientific day: first about archetypes on the example of Tolkien's The Hobbit (what about a fairy tale, what a myth, co z rycerskich ballad …
We called a meeting today at the request of a new student, A., Years 12. A. suggested, that we would change the school's no-eating policy on the upper floor of the house. He presented arguments, obeszło …
"Kate, you will study math with us?”
I came here. I am sitting. I can barely follow them, because Zosia from middle school joined the two sixth-graders, i w parę minut …
If you are considering changing schools before the new school year, there is such a possibility. W naszej szkole mamy kilka wolnych miejsc dla uczniów starszych klas szkoły …
Making a pumpkin for Halloween requires some caution. In this case, manual skills and imagination count. You need to be careful, aby nie …
If I cut pumpkins for Halloween, I buy them a bit earlier, when the price is lowest. Przed samym Halloween w wielu …
I do not hide, that high school exams are crap for me. I'm glad, that's behind me. 100 razy bardziej …