Sochi Olympics
Sochi Olympics
Sochi Olympics 2014
Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014 lasted from 7 do 24 February, pokazując nam …
Curiosities from the world
Sochi Olympics 2014
Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014 lasted from 7 do 24 February, pokazując nam …
Ticket to the gym
Poland's chances at the Volleyball World Championships
It is impossible to hide, że Polska …
Keeping fit
Modern people live really fast and often forget about themselves and about it, …
Libero in volleyball
Recently, volleyball is very much in fashion. This is due to the World Cup, które odbywają się po …
The coach of the Polish volleyball team has been a highly sought-after person for several days. He often appears in the media, gives interviews, was …
Surely every football fan knows the answer to this question, especially if he is also familiar with computers. I'm sure, That …
What is FIFA
Even me, who is not interested in football on a daily basis, I have heard about what FIFA is. I think …
Piotr Rubik was born 3 Sept. 1968 year in Warsaw. He is a Polish composer, musician, cellist, music producer, a także prezenterem telewizyjnym …
This may sound really trite, but the best option, to perform in a music program is casting. Programów muzycznych jest …