The loss of independence contributed to this, that many Poles scattered around the world. Każde powstanie niosło …
Curiosities from the world
The loss of independence contributed to this, that many Poles scattered around the world. Każde powstanie niosło …
The peoples listed here should be sought not only in Europe, but also on other continents: in Asia, …
This time we have dates. Have to say, co się stało w Polsce …
Poles were not a maritime nation. W okresie wielkich odkryć nie znajdziemy polskich nazwisk wśród …
Will we ever think, sipping coffee, that this drink was not always known in Poland? Do we remember, że niegdyś …
Life forms change, they change the systems of states, ages are ending, start new ones. We're not asking here, kto był ostatnim Piastem …
If we asked a Polish nobleman from the 16th or 17th century, what is laszt, would know right away, that this is the measure of the grain, …
The answer to this question requires a moment of reflection. The political map of the world changed frequently. Entire areas, especially borderline, wielokrotnie przechodziły z …
There was a custom in the middle ages, and even later, że władcom nadawano pewne przydomki na podstawie bądź ich cech …
There are some historical events, which have become, as it were, proverbial. The feast of Lukullus is spoken of not only in a strictly defined sense, jako o …