Who and when invented the electric motor?

Who and when invented the electric motor?

It is hard to imagine the functioning of current vehicles without an electric motor. Cars, planes, ships, wszystko to …

Who and when invented the light bulb?

Who and when invented the light bulb?

It is difficult to imagine modern apartments or any buildings without a light bulb. Kominki i świeczki pełnia obecnie …

Who and when invented electricity

Who and when invented electricity

It is hard to imagine life without electricity today, which drives most of the devices we need, …

What is the speed of sound?

What is the speed of sound?

The speed of sound is one of the speeds, o których często słyszymy nawet jeśli nie jesteśmy w żaden …

What is the speed of light

What is the speed of light

We often talk about the speed of light, so it is not a foreign term for anyone. We even use it in everyday language, if we want …

Structural unemployment

Structural unemployment

Unemployment is an economic phenomenon like this, that a certain number of people who are able to work and seek it, does not find employment. The unemployment rate is this …



Ageism is a concept, which harbors discrimination on the basis of a person's age. Najczęściej z ateizmem możemy się spotkać jeśli chodzi o poszukiwania …



The tapestry is a decorative fabric, which was woven on a special loom. An important element of the tapestry is the addition made of single and metal threads, które były odpowiednio …



The light bulb is one of the most important inventions of the 19th century. Thanks to him, it was possible to illuminate both residential houses, and shops, or production halls. Wydłużyło …

Mobile phone

Mobile phone

Dziś nie możemy sobie wyobrazić sobie codzienności bez telefonu komórkowego. Pomaga on jak żadne inne urządzenie utrzymać kontakt z innymi niezależnie od miejsca, …