Which mushrooms are worth picking in Poland

Which mushrooms are worth picking in Poland. Grzyby w Polsce.

Mushroom picking is a passion of many people. Nie wszyscy jednak znają się na …

What is a case for a reporter

What is a case for a reporter. A case for a reporter.

The case for a reporter is a very popular program in Poland. Despite, …

What is SuperStart

Co to jest Super Starcie. Super Start

Super Starcie is a new program of the TV series two. You can watch it every Friday at 21.05 on TVP2. Program …



The former trader was called a merchant. Its main task, a także sposobem na życie był handel. Ze swoim wcześniej nabytym towarem przemieszczał się z …

Christmas carols

Christmas carols

We associate carols primarily with Christmas songs, which are sung from the midnight Mass for at least the entire octave period. Jednak geneza kolędy jest …



In Poland, the prime minister is commonly referred to as the Prime Minister. In other countries, it is the name of the head of government. Na przykład Wielka Brytania posługuje się mianem …

Louis XVI

Louis XVI

Louis XVI was also called Louis the Last. He was born in Versailles 1754 year exactly 23 of August. Instead, he died 21 January 1793 year in …

Barbara Radziwiłłówna

Barbara Radziwiłłówna

Barbara Radziwiłłówna was born more or less between 1520 do 1523 year. However, she died very young in Krakow, and it happened …