Trivia related to the movie – Polish-Russian War
Trivia related to the movie – Polish-Russian War.
"Polish-Russian war under the white and red flag" is a film adaptation, która wiąże się z wielką popularnością …
Curiosities from the world
Trivia related to the movie – Polish-Russian War.
"Polish-Russian war under the white and red flag" is a film adaptation, która wiąże się z wielką popularnością …
Mushroom diseases, bacterial and physiological in nightshade vegetables
Gray mold
The main storage disease of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants. Symptoms appear on the fruit, …
Root vegetables fungal diseases
Gray mold
Porażenie chorobą następuje poprzez bezpośredni kontakt zdrowych warzyw z chorymi za pośrednictwem zarodników w …
Mushroom diseases, bacterial and physiological cruciferous vegetables
Gray mold
The main storage disease of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower. Objawy pojawiają się na liściach …
Mushroom diseases, bacterial and physiological properties of onion vegetables
Gray mold / onion neck rot – it is the most dangerous disease causing the greatest losses during the storage of onions, leek and garlic. Objawy …
In practice, many methods of storing vegetables are used. The method of storage is also selected depending on the size and development of the farm. W małych …
The optimal conditions are this, in which there is a maximum inhibition of all life processes, occurring in harvested vegetables, pozwalające przy tym na zachowanie …
Ways to extend the shelf life of stored vegetables
They influence the quality and commercial value of the harvested vegetables, among others: respiration, transpiration, changes in chemical composition, growth and development (np. wyrastanie …
Climatic factors
The shelf life of vegetables is influenced by their quality, która w dużej mierze zależy od przebiegu …
The set of characteristics of vegetables intended for storage determines the storage value of vegetables. The most important thing is the preservation of vegetables, that is, a set of genetically fixed features in the breeding process, …