

The tapestry is a decorative fabric, which was woven on a special loom. Ważnym elementem arrasu jest dodatek wykonany z nici jednanych …



The light bulb is one of the most important inventions of the 19th century. Thanks to him, it was possible to illuminate both residential houses, jak i …

Mobile phone

Mobile phone

Dziś nie możemy sobie wyobrazić sobie codzienności bez telefonu komórkowego. Pomaga on jak żadne inne urządzenie utrzymać kontakt …

How to translate dreams

How to translate dreams

Translation of dreams

There are people like that, who believe in the magical meaning of dreams, and there are also those, którzy całkowicie …

Why was the Taj Mahal founded

Why was the Taj Mahal founded

The story of the creation of the Taj Mahal is also a story of great love. The young Persian princess Arjmand Banu, she married the ruler of Shah Jahan. Zakochany mężczyzna nadał …



The acronym OMG is very often used by teenagers, who communicate with each other using instant messaging such as gadu-gadu, or skype. Poza …

What is jet lag

What is jet lag

Jet lag is the name of time debt syndrome. It is associated with traveling by plane between completely different time zones. Podróżni przybywają …