Has the Force really awakened??

Has the Force really awakened??

It's hard to stay indifferent to the new Star Wars. You know, że to kontynuacja pewnej legendy, uniwersum które

What's happening in Ukraine

What's happening in Ukraine

The situation in Ukraine

Sprawą Ukrainy zajmują się teraz media na całym świecie. The problem is that,

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton – was born in 1642 year – he died in 1727 year

Izaak Newton zajmuje pierwsze miejsce wśród najważniejszych …

Who is “mister 100 million euros”?

Who is “mister 100 million euros”?

For the third day in a row, the Italian media are trying to establish, who won on Thursday 100 million euros in Superenalotto, zgarniając największą …