What is the difference between vegetarianism and veganism
Vegetarianism vs veganism
Vegetarianism is very much in vogue these days. Unfortunately, fashion goes even further and more and more people are choosing to become vegan. What is it all about? Vegetarians don't eat meat. However, they do not mind eating animal products, so e.g.. eggs, cheeses, caviar, milk etc.. In turn, vegans even give up on this – mostly dairy and of course they don't eat meat either. You can live like that, when replacing protein with other products, which are often much more expensive than buying meat. So it is not a lifestyle for poor people. The main problem is this, that most vegetarians eat mostly carbohydrates, which is not healthy at all.
Some people hardly ever supply the body with proteins, which is already very dangerous and can lead to numerous diseases. You should definitely not make vegetarians from babies and newborns, because they need animal protein in particular, to build up immunity and build your own bones and muscles. Vegetarianism and veganism are for adults and such, who really know and know it, how to replace animal products with plant products. Otherwise, it is definitely not worth switching to such a diet, which despite this, that she is healthy, if used inappropriately, it can be very dangerous for humans.