Who was Maciej from Miechów

Who was Maciej from Miechów.

Maciej from Miechów is considered a pioneer of Polish Internet. He lived in years 1457 – 1523.

He came from simple, peasant family, who lived in a village near Miechów. Thanks to the interest of the parish priest, who was teaching him, acquired the basics of general knowledge. It was them that gave rise to Maciej's scientific career. Until 8 times he was the rector of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

He entered the pages of history like the Polish Hipokretes.

It was he who brought medicine to a level in our country, which standard did not differ from treatment in other European countries.

He is the first Polish doctor, who wrote down his knowledge and passed on the experience, which he has gained over the years of working with patients.

Maciej from Miechów also deserves to be remembered because of the fact, that he is the founder of the 2nd Department of Medicine at Collegium Medicum in Krakow. This event took place in the year 1505.

He is the author of such treatises as Centra sezam pestem regimen accurantissimum (it concerned the ways in which infectious diseases spread; was published in 1508) oraz Chronicle Polonum, which was the first history of our country published in a year 1519. He also wrote Conservatio Santitatis. He dealt with the need to maintain proper hygiene. He argued in it, that it is necessary to take proper care of your own body, i.e. you should wash yourself.

Maciej from Miechów was the first person, which dealt with the issue of hygiene, syphilis and other infectious diseases in our country, and also brought medical services to the European level.