Who was Paracelsuss

Who was Paracelsuss.

Paracelsuss was a Renaissance physician and alchemist.

He was a researcher at the University of Basel. His lectures were conducted in German, which was something new in the world of medical education. During his own studies, he developed personal views, which forced him to reject Galen's teachings, Hippocrates and Avicenna. He decided to manifest it by burning their works. Paracelsuss led to his dismissal from the university. The main point of opposition by the young alchemist was Galen's theory, that the greater amount of substances administered in the drug would increase its effectiveness. Paracelsuss, on the other hand, held the view, that only one drug should be used for one disease. This gave rise to the so-called. the advisability of choosing a drug.

He was also interested in the causes of disease and factors, which could aggravate their course. He came to conclusion, that all kinds of afflictions are part of God's plan. It is they who make the selection necessary in the world and eliminate too weak individuals, to survive.

Paracelsuss dreamed of inventing the drug, which could provide relief in any disease entity. He hailed his dream specific as a panacea.

Besides the idea of ​​a panacea, he also developed the theory of Archeus, that is, something that would have the ability to change one substance into another.

As it is not difficult to guess, neither of Paracelsuss's two dreams ever came true.

He is also known as man, which laid the foundations of human physiology in Europe.