What is the dispute between Edyta Górniak and Kora Jackowska?

What is the dispute between Edyta Górniak and Kora Jackowska?

Gorniak vs Kora

The whole conflict between Edyta Górniak and Kora Jackowska is greatly exaggerated, because Kora made no reference to it in any way, what Edyta said about her. What was it about? Well, in the program The Voice of Poland, in which Edyta is a trainer, the girl stepped out, Sandra Rusin, which a few years ago in the Must be the Music program was strongly criticized by Kora, and even heard it from her, which she certainly did not deserve – that she shouldn't be involved in music. For such a young girl it was like cutting wings. After a great performance during the battles, The Voice, Justyna Steczkowska asked the participant about the story with Kora. Of course, the name of the rock legend did not fall from the participant's lips.

Edyta Górniak joined the conversation and said straight, that the sender of such harsh words was Kora, which maybe has nice songs and is a legend of the Polish music scene, but she is not a good singer. Steczkowska did not agree with this. The media was in turmoil immediately, because Edyta allegedly insulted a woman who is currently suffering from cancer. The matter was not left without comment by Wojciech Mann, who stated, that at least Kora knows, what he sings about and this is what differs from Mrs. Górniak. Edyta wrote on Facebook, that she didn't say anything untrue.