It was calculated how much a statistical Pole spends on culture

It was calculated how much a statistical Pole spends on culture

345 PLN is spent by a statistical Pole on culture during the year, Just 3,5 proc. of this amount are expenses for the purchase of cinema tickets, theater, Museum – results from the data of the Central Statistical Office. The data was provided by Deputy Minister of Culture Piotr Żuchowski at a conference organized by the Foundation for the Development of Local Democracy. During the conference, the Foundation's Awards were presented. Non-governmental organizations were awarded and distinguished, groups of citizens and local government institutions, which contributed to the development of local culture and increased civic participation. As Żuchowski said, most – 21 proc. – a statistical Pole's expenditure on culture is constituted by the fee for cable television, 13 proc. to RTV subscription, 12 proc. – purchase of newspapers and magazines. The purchase of a new TV was in fourth place, on the fifth – purchase of books and other publications, only on the sixth – purchase of admission tickets to cultural institutions. Quoting the data collected by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage for the purposes of the report, which is to be presented during the Polish Culture Congress in September, the deputy minister informed, that all expenses on culture constitute 1,76 proc. gross domestic product. “In other European countries, it amounts to two-, three-, four-, and 5 times higher in the case of the Netherlands” – he pointed out. According to Żuchowski, 1,76 proc. PKB to 20,7 PLN billion, most of which – 13,3 PLN billion – this is the share of households. Last year's state spending on culture was 2,177 PLN billion from the budget of the Ministry of Culture (of which approx. 900 PLN million was allocated to art schools) and 4,729 PLN billion from the budget of local governments. The largest part of local government spending – 1,4 PLN billion – it is the cost of maintaining and operating community centers, the next item is libraries – keeping them is approx 1 PLN billion. – There is no good research into the operation of community centers (…). To, I got to, they show a very dangerous phenomenon from the cultural point of view: community centers promote a passive form of participation in culture, give an offer, but they do not provide opportunities for those willing to engage in creative participation in culture – noted the deputy minister.

As he explained, creative, active recipient, focused on discussion, it will strive to deepen its contact with culture. – Even the most brilliant creators cannot exist without conscious audiences – stressed. This is why – in his opinion – preparation of animators is so important, people who act as intermediaries between authors and recipients. According to him, non-governmental organizations play an important role here, which develop the creativity of local societies. Entities from two categories could be candidates for the foundation's award: local government cultural institutions ( libraries, community centers, museums, rural community centers) and non-governmental organizations or citizen groups. Among the latter were regional development societies, cultural and artistic associations (np. orchestras), associations for the dissemination of historical knowledge (including reconstruction groups).

Overall, over 232 various activities. Awards received: Koszalin Social and Cultural Society for developing the concept of theme villages (such as “A healthy life village” in Dąbrowa, “A village of fairy tales and bicycles” in Podgórki), Initiative “Open Gardens” from Podkowa Leśna and the Culture and Sports Center in Dobrodzień. Six distinctions were also awarded. One of them was given to the Municipal Cultural Center in Czerwonak (voiv. Greater Poland) for the project “Potash 170” – the idea of ​​integrating the inhabitants of the village and the nearby estate of single-family houses around the 170th anniversary of the village.

The Foundation for the Development of Local Democracy was established in 1989 year. The founding group were parliamentarians: Jerzy Regulski, Walerian Panko, Andrzej Celinski, Aleksander Paszyński and Jerzy Stępień. The Foundation conducts activities supporting the development of democracy and local self-government, by directing your activities, among others. to local government employees and councilors, representatives of non-governmental organizations, teachers and youth.