Attention is a set of cognitive processes in the mind.
Features of attention.
The most important features of attention are:
1. Pojemność. Ta …
Curiosities from the world
Attention is a set of cognitive processes in the mind.
Features of attention.
The most important features of attention are:
1. Pojemność. Ta …
Philosophy is science, which deals with the consideration of existential problems, for example, what is a being, mind, dusza …
I don't think anyone likes to wake up with a big hangover the next day. This is usually the case, If …
The concept of a mermaid, has so many meanings in Polish, że niestety nie da się ich chyba wszystkich wymienić za …
Kierpce is a local type of footwear. It occurred mainly in mountainous areas.
It is footwear, which was made by manual processing of natural leather. Wiązania …
Summer will begin 21 June. At this time, it will be exactly the summer solstice, which is characterized by the longest day of the year. Będzie on …
You are wondering when is the best time to go on vacation this year? If you have full freedom of choice, you really are very lucky. Z reguły …
No one needs to be reminded of the famous proverb about April. It distinguishes itself from the remaining months by this, że daje nam czasami …
Picnic, which usually starts with 1 May and extends to 3 May and sometimes even longer, jest świetnym momentem …
Easter is a spring holiday. We are used to associating them with the greenery of the vegetation awakened after the winter, with flowers, with warmth. Niestety nie zawsze udaje …