Political parties

Political parties

In Poland, we can talk about political parties and groups, which have been operating since the partitions of our country. The most developed party is the Civic Platform (Platforma Obywatelska) among the current parties (AFTER), which has Donald Tusk as its leader, who is the current prime minister of Poland. They are guided by theoretically conservative liberalism, centrism, and also a Christian democracy.

The PO's greatest competitor is Law and Justice (PiS), with the leader Jarosław Kaczyński. In addition to Christian democracy, conservatism, they also profess solidarity, eurosceptyzm, and also national Catholicism.

Your Movement comes in third place just behind these two political parties, also known as the Palikow Movement, because Janusz Palikom is the leader of this grouping. It has completely different ideologies from the two previous parties. These ideologies are primarily characterized by feminism, anti-clericalism, social democracy and social liberalism.

It is also worth mentioning here some less popular political parties. Among them, we can mention, for example, the political party of Janusz Piechociński - the Polish People's Party. There is Christian democracy in their ideology, agrarism and centrism.

Once known very much SLD, that is, the Democratic Left Alliance, headed by Leszek Miller, supports feminism and social democracy. Solidarity Poland by Zbigniew Ziobro stands up to Christian democracy, national Catholicism, national conservatism, as well as eusroscpeticism and solidarism. The other parties are the Social Democracy of Poland - Wojciech Filemonowicz, Poland is the Most Important - Paweł Kowal and the Labor Union - Waldemar Witkowski.