Association and democratic school in Krakow

Stowarzyszenie Edukacja demokratyczna w Krakowie was created, to support the development of democratic schools and all forms of education, that focus on learning through play, experiencing, action. We want (out) teach in an atmosphere of inspiration and freedom, making decisions together, learning from each other and supporting each other in development.


W prowadzonej przez Stowarzyszenie Szkole Demokratycznej dzieci zdobywają wiedzę i potrzebne im umiejętności bez przymusu, bells and typical textbooks, in a homely atmosphere and in close contact with mentors - adults responsible for supporting their development.

The idea of ​​democratic education in each member of the initiative group began to sprout at another time. We met for the first time 15 May this year, thanks to the initiative of the Democratic Education Foundation in Poznań, who created a Facebook poll for people interested in ED in different cities. A few clicks, messages, and ... that's how we met 🙂

Soon after, we met for the first time. He welcomed us then Affectionate Barbarian pod Wawelem. We get to know each other, we exchange experiences and talk about dream education. There was also a lot about difficult experiences with the "traditional" school. Why we founded a democratic school? We want good education for our children (Parents), we do not want to force children to "book", standard science (Teachers), we want to have fun learning and feeling, that we give children respect and choice (Everybody). And… we like to learn, and in all of us there is a lot of baby :).

After many meetings, conversations, We established a school during workshops and training trips, built on our own experiences: non-directive work with children, making decisions in the spirit of deep democracy and taking responsibility for your own development, and the experiences of many democratic schools around the world.

Since September 2014 year, the school operates in Krakow. More students join us almost every month.

"Not that important, so that a person knows a lot, but so that he would know well, nie żeby umiał na pa­mięć, a żeby ro­zumiał, not that he cares a little bit, a żeby go coś nap­rawdę zajmowało”. (Janusz Korczak)