Thousands of bananas on the beach

Thousands of bananas on the beach

Thousands of unripe bananas threw the sea on the beaches of the Dutch islands of Terschelling and Ameland in the North Sea Frisian archipelago. The fruit came from a container ship passing nearby, who lost part of the cargo during the storm. A kilometer long stretch of beach on the island of Terschelling was literally strewn with bananas. It was similar on neighboring Ameland. Probably each of the residents already has a bunch – told Gossen Buren of the shipping authorities. He explained, that because the fruit is still completely green, he didn't try them, to check, whether they are salty. The islanders are used to all kinds of things washed ashore. A year ago, thousands of sneakers floated on the beach, aluminum containers and toys. In turn 20 Years ago, you could choose from thrown sweaters by the sea. On Wednesday, many bargain hunters also went to the beaches, however, there were fewer of them than then, when the water kicked the sneakers away – said Buren. Added, that is not known yet, what will happen to the bananas. Some residents suggested, to donate them to nearby zoos.