What is the speed of light

What is the speed of light

We often talk about the speed of light, so it is not a foreign term for anyone. Nawet w potocznym …

Structural unemployment

Structural unemployment

Unemployment is an economic phenomenon like this, that a certain number of people who are able to work and seek it, nie znajduje …



Ageism is a concept, which harbors discrimination on the basis of a person's age. Najczęściej z ateizmem możemy się …



The tapestry is a decorative fabric, which was woven on a special loom. Ważnym elementem arrasu jest dodatek wykonany z nici jednanych …



The light bulb is one of the most important inventions of the 19th century. Thanks to him, it was possible to illuminate both residential houses, and shops, or production halls. Wydłużyło …

Mobile phone

Mobile phone

Dziś nie możemy sobie wyobrazić sobie codzienności bez telefonu komórkowego. Pomaga on jak żadne inne urządzenie utrzymać kontakt z innymi niezależnie od miejsca, …

What are school duties

What are school duties

Student's school duties

The school year has just begun. There are many such students, who like to rebel and do anything, aby tylko …

How to translate dreams

How to translate dreams

Translation of dreams

There are people like that, who believe in the magical meaning of dreams, and there are also those, who completely reject this possibility. Jakby nie …