Ranson Academy

Ranson Academy, private painting school est. 1908 in Paris by P. Ransona, który na jej gruncie starał się utrwalić i …

Julian Academy

Julian Academy, private art school in Paris, regret. 1860 by the painter R.. Juliana. It represented a direction similar to academism, dlatego też …

Acadamy of Arts

Acadamy of Arts, an institution that is part of the Institut de France, regret. 1803 (name from 1816). It is divided into sections: …

Academy of Saint-Luc

Academy of Saint-Luc, institution. 1649 in Paris by the guild of painters and sculptors (Maîtrise des Peintres et des Sculpteurs de la Ville et de …

Académie de France at Home

Académie de France at Home, university est. 1666 by J. B. Colberta, in which the most talented students of the Parisian royal academies continued their education (później studenci -École …

Academy of Architecture

Academy of Architecture, institution created 1953 as a continuation, existing since 1840, stowarzyszenia Central Society of Architects. It consists of: 100 real members, honorary members, …

Career Academy

Career Academy, private painting school in Paris, regret. 1897 by E Carriére. She was attended by, among others. in. the fauvists came: A. Derain, H. Matisse i J. …


Abstraction-Creation, international group of artists, gathering supporters of objectless art, created 1931 in Paris on the initiative of A.. Herbina i G. Vantongerloo. The group counted over 400 members, among …