Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture (Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture)
Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture (Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture), institution. 1648 w Paryżu przez grupę …
Curiosities from the world
Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture (Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture), institution. 1648 w Paryżu przez grupę …
Royal Academy of Architecture, institution. 1671 in Paris by J.. B. Colberta (the statute was drawn up 1717). Jej zadaniem było kształcenie architektów …
Ranson Academy, private painting school est. 1908 in Paris by P. Ransona, który na jej gruncie starał się utrwalić i …
Julian Academy, private art school in Paris, regret. 1860 by the painter R.. Juliana. It represented a direction similar to academism, dlatego też …
Acadamy of Arts, an institution that is part of the Institut de France, regret. 1803 (name from 1816). It is divided into sections: …
Academy of Saint-Luc, institution. 1649 in Paris by the guild of painters and sculptors (Maîtrise des Peintres et des Sculpteurs de la Ville et de …
Académie de France at Home, university est. 1666 by J. B. Colberta, in which the most talented students of the Parisian royal academies continued their education (później studenci -École …
Academy of Architecture, institution created 1953 as a continuation, existing since 1840, stowarzyszenia Central Society of Architects. It consists of: 100 real members, honorary members, …
Career Academy, private painting school in Paris, regret. 1897 by E Carriére. She was attended by, among others. in. the fauvists came: A. Derain, H. Matisse i J. …
Abstraction-Creation, international group of artists, gathering supporters of objectless art, created 1931 in Paris on the initiative of A.. Herbina i G. Vantongerloo. The group counted over 400 members, among …