Interview with our mentor - Agata Kula

In Gazeta Wyborcza about our school. we invite you to read! 🙂 Treść wywiadu znajduje się tutaj.

ordinary monday

Monday at our school. Ordinary such :))
Kate: How are you today, Maciek ?
Rustic: Probably just!
Kate: Aha! A …

Fair, fair, and after the fair ...

A short survey among the participants of the fair "What did you like the most?” (results from last to first):

Gombrowicz – Diary 1953-1969

Gombrowicz got me

Especially Gombrowicz Witold got me. "Diary" is simply brilliant. Gombrowicz as a personality, as a thinker (sic!), as an artist, jako autokreacja… To w …



The ankh is a cross-like symbol, which comes from ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and means life. Pharaohs and various deities held it in their hands. Często …