The cat glowing green, that is Mr. Green Genes
The cat glowing green, that is Mr. Green Genes
Czy już niedługo właściciele kotów nie będą …
Curiosities from the world
The cat glowing green, that is Mr. Green Genes
Czy już niedługo właściciele kotów nie będą …
The dog drank 4 liters of wine, the vet treated him for a hangover
A two-year-old Labrador girl had her first hangover after drinking 4 …
Bloodhound – car, which will be faster than the projectile
British engineers presented a model of a rocket car, which …
In Switzerland, plants must not be degraded – This is not a joke
As can be learned from the article published in “Wall Street …
The British reveal the truth about UFOs
The British National Archives has published another batch of documents relating to alleged UFO encounters. These are materials from the UK Ministry of Defense. …
The end of the baseball era?
Do you remember the movie "Fan" with Robert de Niro? As a psychopathic supporter, he goes so far as to murder, as long as his favorite player regains his form, a …
New Guinness Record: 57 movies in 123 hours
Canadian Suresh Joachim and German Claudia Wavra broke the world record, watching 57 movies by 123 hours. Rzecznik …
Bibliofilski tom za 100 thousand. euro
The book, devoted to Michelangelo, is bound with a carved marble plaque, and the entire edition will count only 99 copies. Jeden …
Ma 105 years and is a virgin
British, which was celebrated this week 105. birthday, he considers, that he owes his longevity to celibacy. Wiadomość o tym obiegła w …
The world behind 30 years according to scientists
The world in thirty years – according to scientists at Helwett-Packard Labs, którzy swoje przewidywania opublikowali w raporcie think-tanku Forum for …