Political parties

Political parties

In Poland, we can talk about political parties and groups, which have been operating since the partitions of our country. Do …


RWPG it was the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Radę założono krótko po zakończeniu drugiej wojny światowej i zrzeszała wszystkie kraje bloku …

Baptism of Poland

Baptism of Poland to zwyczajowa nazwa na początek chrystianizacji w Polsce. In fact, the then ruler of Poland was baptized, Prince Mieszko I., …

Work at the grassroots level

Work at the grassroots level is one of the most important slogans of Polish positivism. It referred directly to society, and something, co współcześnie …


Cronyism is supporting and supporting people from the same circles, or families. Przy czym w swoich działaniach nie kieruje się faktyczną wartością …

The flag of China

The flag of China

The flag of the People's Republic of China is presented very simply, but at the same time also an extremely symbolic way. Namely, there are five stars on a red background. …

Who was Paracelsuss

Who was Paracelsuss.

Paracelsuss was a Renaissance physician and alchemist.

He was a researcher at the University of Basel. His lectures were conducted in German, co stanowiło …

Kim by Gerard van Swieten

Kim by Gerard van Swieten.

Gerard van Swietten was the Dutch doctor of the Enlightenment Age. Pobierał nauki od Hermna Boerhaave.

Van Swietten was a practicing Catholic, which no …

Who was Andreas Vesalius

Who was Andreas Vesalius.

Andreas Vesalius was a Renaissance physician.

He is known primarily as this, who refuted the theories of the great ancient medic Galen. Udało mu się …

Who was Maciej from Miechów

Who was Maciej from Miechów.

Maciej from Miechów is considered a pioneer of Polish Internet. He lived in years 1457 – 1523.

He came from simple, peasant family, …