

The concept of a mermaid, has so many meanings in Polish, że niestety nie da się ich chyba wszystkich wymienić za …



Kierpce is a local type of footwear. It occurred mainly in mountainous areas.

It is footwear, które zostało wykonane poprzez …

When the beginning of summer

When the beginning of summer

Summer will begin 21 June. At this time, it will be exactly the summer solstice, który charakteryzuje się najdłuższym …

When to go on vacation

When to go on vacation

You are wondering when is the best time to go on vacation this year? If you have full freedom of choice, to naprawdę …

April weather forecast

April weather forecast

No one needs to be reminded of the famous proverb about April. It distinguishes itself from the remaining months by this, że daje nam czasami …

Weather on 1 house

Weather on 1 house

Picnic, which usually starts with 1 May and extends to 3 May and sometimes even longer, jest świetnym momentem …

Easter weather

Easter weather

Easter is a spring holiday. We are used to associating them with the greenery of the vegetation awakened after the winter, with flowers, with warmth. Niestety nie zawsze udaje …

Easter weather

Easter weather

Święta Wielkanocne odbywają się zawsze wiosną przez co można wyobrażać je sobie jako ciepłe i zielone ze względu na rozkwitającą wokół …

Weather in early May

Weather in early May

Due to this, that the beginning of May is the time of two official days off from work, which often turn into debts, …