Male gender endangered
The male gender is under threat – the report of the ecological organization CHEM Trust is alarming, which the weekly writes about on its websites “Directly”. It's all because of chemical substances that disrupt the action of the sex hormones. Male fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and also mammals and humans lose their masculinity. Scientists report deformities and underdevelopment of male genitals almost all over the world. Some polar bears are born hermaphroditic – they have penises and vaginas, and the, which remain 100% males, have smaller penises and produce less semen than usual – he writes “Directly”. Testicular deformation has been observed in eland antelopes in Africa and most white deer in North America. Two-thirds of male mule deer, a relative of the deer from Alaska, has unusual horns and cryptorchidism, that is, the testicles located outside the scrotum. Pregnant women, in which organisms have been found to have a high level of contamination, they have more daughters than sons – results from the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, which the weekly refers to. Usually on 100 baby girls are born 106 boys. In some areas of Russia, However, today twice as many girls as boys are born in Canada and Greenland. In one Greenlandic village, for some time now, male children are not born at all.
The number of infertile men is growing rapidly. The sperm content of male sperm has almost doubled over the past few years 50 Years (she 150 million / ml to 60 million / ml). Research is still lacking, which would clearly indicate the cause of this phenomenon.