It was established, what to eat, to live longer

It was established, what to eat, to live longer

Under this title, the Russian daily “Izvestia” provides a list of products, which are consumed systematically and – as the newspaper emphasizes – in reasonable amounts, they can help you extend your life and stay healthy. The list of these useful food items was published by the professor of the medical food department (nutraceuticals) Leeds University Gary Williamson. The usefulness of these products, as the journal writes, in this case is understood as the ability to prevent or eradicate disease and extend life to the limit established for everyone at the genetic level. It cannot be said, as the journal writes, make this list very original, because we saw before, that fruit and vegetables are healthier than lard and french fries, but some of the items on the list are surprising. Here is a list of these products (they are listed in alphabetical order in English): apples, blackberries, black tea, blackberries, broccoli, bran bread, cherries, cherry tomatoes, coffee, cowberry, dark chocolate, green tea, oranges, peaches, plums, raspberries, red grapes, Red onion, spinach, strawberries.

It's actually consisting of 20 Professor Williamson's list is nothing less than an antioxidant list – writes a journal, highlighting, that it is impossible to eat only these products, but also not allowed.