Mosquito net - review

Mosquito net - review

I have to hurry today, because the movie I am reviewing is available for free to 9 July. There would be nothing normal about it, were it not - that this film is now premiered in Poland. The mosquito net surprised me positively by showing Spanish cinema with a completely different face. Black comedy, often absurd, it represents the fate of an almost average family at first glance.

The premiere film - to 9 July can be viewed online free of charge.

Not every black comedy goes to me. Recently I wrote about Dr. Strangelove, but Delicatessen, for example, did not convince me at all. This is why I am writing about it, so as not to pass as someone who likes any production with this type of humor. The mosquito net didn't always make me laugh, sometimes it aroused pity and at first the question was whether it would be two hours lost? Fortunately, it turned out otherwise.
The film tells about family troubles. Apart from being a black comedy, it is a social genre. The marriage is not going well, the son suffers from it. The decision to break up follows. The mosquito net is saturated with sex. It is full of it almost from the very beginning, however, I fit in with abstract situations. Otherwise, it is a picture at times brutal, showing how far human stupidity can go.

What caught my attention at the beginning were the photos. They are not similar to those known from popular series, and yet performed in similar conditions - closed rooms. They seem cold, make up the climate of the Mosquito Net. I would not suggest those posted for review too much, they are sad, and the movie is definitely not like that.

People are the main motive. I think each of us has a bit of madness. Spanish production differs in this, that all heroes go crazy at the same moment, in a more or less extreme way. Spouses seeking happiness elsewhere, son not coping with the present situation, or a friend of the family who brings up the child - or rather it is the child who brings her up. I do not have the spoiler habit, so I will not reveal any more. I was put off by a few jokes in the Mosquito Net, which really wasn't funny - taste is taste. End, it wasn't too special either. Besides, there are drawbacks, it is a very good movie.

Rating: -8/10