Lights of the Big City - review

Lights of the Big City - review

The sense of humor accompanying the films with Charles Chaplin, it has never been something special to me. As a young boy, I watched it a bit, mainly remembering not funny skits in the style of a poured bucket of water over the head. I have to admit though, that City Lights (The. title) made a great impression on me. There is no production of the year 1931 is still valid today and I will not be surprised at all, wanting to come back to her.

The Lights of the Big City is a romantic comedy - a true film fan must remain so or the sun, or rain. Second thing - no dialogue path, silent film in other words. I think I've already replaced all the things, which may discourage you from joining the screening. Since you read on, it only means, that you're tough. There will be some Chaplin's humor, however, it is quite acceptable - at least in my opinion. Charlie wanders around town, accidentally, a blind florist comes across them. Not seeing his ragged clothes, the woman thinks he is wealthy. This is the beginning of the movie, and friendship - maybe much more between them.

Charles Chaplin as director, screenwriter and actor. The artist's most time-consuming film, work on it took more than 3 patch. Filmed already in the age of sound, the director did not give up and the Lights of the Big City remained mute. Emotions, a large dose of emotions. Despite, that the movie is so old, is still valid. This outweighs the City Lights favor. W 1934 of the year, Frank Capra made the sensational It Happened One Night - also a romantic comedy. Unlike City Lights, it was not a silent production. However, I admit, that it did not affect me as strongly as the title in question.

The Lights of the Big City is a fairy tale for adults interspersed with mature plot and Chaplin's delicate humor, which is rather of a supporting role. It really suited my taste. I'm not a fan, nor an opponent of romantic comedies - at most those present. I followed the tramp from the beginning to the very end with interest. 8/10 it's a high rating that City Lights deserve.

I am occupying the City Lights 1 ranked in the Romantic Comedy category for the best American movies of all time.

Rating: 8/10

Chaplin once said, “I feel sorry for the silent movie days. What a joy it was to see, like a woman's mouth opens, and you cannot hear your voice. " Nothing unusual, że długo zwlekał z realizacją filmu dźwiękowego :) “Światła wielkiego miasta” to niezła komedia – słowo ‘niezły’ użyte celowo, because I don't think this movie is a revelation. The film has some ambitions and can amuse viewers, and the fight scene in the ring is a comedy classic. And this millionaire theme, which is only nice then, when he is drunk, I found it not very thoughtful and not very convincing. And he had an influence on it, that in my ranking of Chaplin's films, this film was only on the 5th place - I appreciate the sensational "Today's Times" much more, less known "Circus", the ingenious "Gold Rush" and the black comedy "Mr. Verdoux". But I do, that "The lights of a big city" are much better than the sentimental and not very funny "Brzdąc" and the overrated and also not funny "Dictator".


Good, I have already saved the quote. I think, that the film has more ambition than people's amusement, and they make it happen, that critics remember him to this day. It's not just a matter of that, that there was once Chaplin and we need to find something to remind us of him. The film can move the viewer, shows the efforts of a man how he wants to put everything in order. Hmm.. Tak jak w “Życie jest piękne” Benigni’ego ojciec wmawia synowi, war is so much fun and you have to play hide and seek and it's fun. Yes, Chaplin provides an unseen florist who lives in poverty, that everything will work out, giving her money, despite the true identity of the tramp who has nothing.

I have Chaplin's The Bank to watch. I don't know his work very much. Jak by Cie interesowało coś z najwcześniejszych lat jego twórczości to tu jest do pobrania legalnie i za darmo Charles Chaplin Wtedy kręcili dużo… Pozdrawiam


In the Polish community 1 and on YouTube I watched a lot of early ones, Chaplin's short films, but I only remember three of them the most: “The Immigrant”, “The Adventurer” i “A Dog’s Life”. These are movies from the years 1917-18, imaginative and fun movies, it is worth paying attention to them. And those movies from 1915 year, which you provided a link to, I'll try to watch, because these titles don't tell me much (maybe except for "The Tramp").