About sleep disorders

About sleep disorders

Terminem sleep disturbances określamy grupę zaburzeń, sleep related diseases. They can affect its quality and length. Sleep disturbances can lead to serious changes in the psyche, being at the same time a strong obstacle to the normal functioning of a human being.

W tym artykule opiszemy najczęstsze sleep disturbance.


It is associated with difficulties in falling asleep, constant awakening, bądź skróconym czasem sleep. In extreme cases, disorder, even to its complete absence. A common cause Insomnia can be depression or serious problems, z którymi się w danym momencie ścieramy. Zaburzenia sleepiness negatively affects our health, the activities we perform and our contacts with people. The causes of insomnia can also be: During the day, inappropriate lifestyle or diet or drinking coffee, alcohol before bedtime.


Sleepwalking mostly occurs in children and is caused by the immaturity of the central nervous system. However, in adults it is commonly considered a disease. During sleepwalking, a person gets up at the time of sleep and begins to perform various activities. However, they are not recorded by the mind, dlatego rano śpiący tego nie pamięta. Sleepwalking usually shows up around 30-40 minutes from falling asleep.


This type of sleep disorder is characterized by falling asleep during the day, usually under the influence of strong emotions (joy, excitement, fear). This state of drowsiness lasts for approx 10-20 minutes and occurs on average 2-3 times a day. it usually occurs as an inherited disease, ryzyko zachorowania na narkolepsję there are approx 10 times greater in relatives than in normal people.


Sleep disturbance, also known as bed margin, is more common in children than in adults. During nightmares, we dream mostly of life-threatening content, safety or related to strong experiences (death of a loved one, nudity). In children, they are usually a symptom of shaping conscience and guilt, natomiast u dorosłych są sygnałem psychicznego zranienia lub rozwoju chorób somatycznych. Koszmar you may be sleepy for several other reasons. The most common are: fulfilling a desire that is not actually being fulfilled, fear and remorse, which we cause a nightmare.

Sleep disorders - summary

Zaburzenia sleepy is a very deep topic that requires careful analysis. They are most often associated with our nervous system and psyche. Disorders in our normal life, it carries over to dreams. We hope, że pomogliśmy choć odrobinę zgłębić swoją wiedzę o sleep disorders, we invite you to read other articles.