In view, which is called theocentrism, is recognized, that God is responsible for the existence of everything. Bóg ma jakąś …
Curiosities from the world
In view, which is called theocentrism, is recognized, that God is responsible for the existence of everything. Bóg ma jakąś …
It is worth starting to clarify the definition voivodships. This is a unit, which was separated by an administrative division. O województwie jako …
In Poland, we can talk about political parties and groups, which have been operating since the partitions of our country. Do …
RWPG it was the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Radę założono krótko po zakończeniu drugiej wojny światowej i zrzeszała wszystkie kraje bloku …
Engagement to niezwykle ważny moment w każdym związku. Usually the engagement takes place after several years of relationship. Some are even waiting for it 9 – 10 …
Baptism of Poland to zwyczajowa nazwa na początek chrystianizacji w Polsce. In fact, the then ruler of Poland was baptized, Prince Mieszko I., and his wife Dobrawa. Miało …
Work at the grassroots level is one of the most important slogans of Polish positivism. It referred directly to society, and something, which we would now call equal opportunities. W XIX …
Cronyism is supporting and supporting people from the same circles, or families. Przy czym w swoich działaniach nie kieruje się faktyczną wartością …
The flag of the People's Republic of China is presented very simply, but at the same time also an extremely symbolic way. Namely, there are five stars on a red background. …
Valentine's Day is quite a specific day. Then not only couples in love celebrate, which are probably going on different romantic outings together, but …