He stole a car, because he wanted an ID card
He stole a car, because he wanted an ID card
The man stole the car, po czym zadzwonił na policję i …
Curiosities from the world
He stole a car, because he wanted an ID card
The man stole the car, po czym zadzwonił na policję i …
He did not know, that he stole the car
He drove a Daewo Tico for several days, które nieświadomie ukradł mieszkance innej miejscowości spod szpitala w …
Olsztyn: A frightened horse traveled in a Fiat Uno
The amazement of the policemen from Olsztyn must have been enormous, when they saw a horse in a fiat uno. Na taki …
They found a worthy car in the garage 3 millions
The classic Bugatti was covered with dust for over 50 Years. W garażu w brytyjskim …
A six-year-old ran over by a car 15 Km
In the United States, a 6-year-old boy got behind the wheel of his parents' car and drove several kilometers. The expedition ended in an accident. Luckily …
He stole a car with a child and called the police
The story of a French mother ended with an unexpected and happy ending, whose car was stolen with her toddler inside. Thief, …
He promised the company a water car. The company believed
Supposed Filipino “inventor”, who swindled 410 thousand. dollars from a Taiwanese company to construct “water powered car” został skazany …
9-the year-old was driving the car himself – learned from computer games
The car goes without a driver – passersby thought so, who saw the car driven by the boy. Japońska …