What is anime
What is anime
Anime is becoming more and more popular in our country, especially among young people. W Japonii są to filmy …
Curiosities from the world
Anime is becoming more and more popular in our country, especially among young people. W Japonii są to filmy …
Selena Marie Giemz was born 22 July 1992 year. She is an actress and singer. Zabłysnęła w świecie aktorskim swoją …
News is a short media information. It belongs to the informational journalistic genres. And that means, że podstawowym zadaniem newsa …
Guitar chords
Learning to play guitar is not that difficult at all. Jeśli jednak ktoś …
Unfortunately, most people can't tell the difference, what is rap, and what is hip hop. Indeed, these two words have …
Sampling is certain processes or phenomena from various fields such as media and advertising, archeology and music. W zależności …
Polish jazz
There are few artists in Poland, who choose jazz. Why? It's just that. People are not prepared for this. Already …
Guitar and ukulele cost
Musical instruments are not that cheap at all, as some might think. You know, że wiele zależy …
Learning to sing
This question cannot actually be answered. It all depends on our skills. If anyone has a good voice, barwę i …
Self-presentation is the way each of us presents ourselves. It is creating your own image.
How we show ourselves to others?
Autoprezentacja to …