Brother Rabbit, just like Brother Wolf (The. Brer Wolf) and Brother Squirrel (The. Brer Squirrel) …
Curiosities from the world
Brother Rabbit, just like Brother Wolf (The. Brer Wolf) and Brother Squirrel (The. Brer Squirrel) …
…Ladybug, ladybird, hurry home,
Because your house can burn down and so can your children.
(Stary angielski wierszyk
In today's English, a white elephant (white elephant) means something, czego utrzymanie jest bardzo kosztowne i z czego nikt …
The legend of Johnny Appleseed is based on facts. It is about John Chapman, an eccentric and a deeply religious man, …
In the eyes of the people of the Victorian era, this prickly fruit symbolized perfection. Gifted meant: "you're perfect”. In the Victorian era it was immensely popular, a fragment prozy z …
Sochi Olympics 2014
Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014 lasted from 7 do 24 February, showing us skirmishes as far as in 15 różnych …
Poland's chances at the Volleyball World Championships
It is impossible to hide, że Polska ma ogromne szanse na zwycięstwo …
Surely every football fan knows the answer to this question, especially if he is also familiar with computers. I'm sure, That …
What is FIFA
Even me, who is not interested in football on a daily basis, I have heard about what FIFA is. I think …
The ankh is a cross-like symbol, which comes from ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and means life. Pharaohs and various deities held it in their hands. Często …