In what books can you meet the theme of death

In what books can you meet the theme of death

The theme of death is often found in many literary works. High school graduates are certainly familiar with the theme of death, who may find such a question on the matriculation examination. It is worth presenting at least a few works on this subject.

The motive of death can already be found in Greek mythology - death is identified there as Thanatos, there is also the theme of the Champs Elysees as the equivalent of heaven and Tartarus - hell. The theme of death appears many times in the Bible. Wspaniałym dziełem z motywem śmierci jest XV wieczne dzieło Master Polycarp's Conversation with Death – śmierć jest w nim przedstawiona jako ciało w stanie rozkładu, ruthless servant of God, who does not respond to grief, crying and pleading. He rebukes human attachment to worldly matters, and the work itself is moralizing. Others, pięknymi dziełami zawierającymi w sobie motyw śmierci są Treny Jan Kochanowski. In them, the poet expresses in them the death after the loss of his beloved daughter Urszula, accuses death of violating natural laws, zgodnie z którymi to ojcowie umierają przed dziećmi. Poszukiwany przez nas motyw można też znaleźć w wierszu Daniela Naborowskiego Vanity. The poet deals with the subject of passing, the impermanence of human life, uncertainty of existence. Motyw śmierci można znaleźć też w Plague Alberta Camusa czy w wierszu Funeral Wisławy Szymborskiej.

Jest wiele dzieł zawierających w sobie popularny motyw śmierci. It's best to look for titles in a dictionary of literary motifs, there we will find the most popular works from this category. This theme is often used in the creation of high school graduation presentations and essays in upper secondary schools.