In what books can you find the theme of travel

In what books can you find the theme of travel

The travel theme appears in many works, których bohaterowie odbywają podróż fizycznie lub tylko w przenośni. Students who are about to pass their final exams are surely familiar with this literary theme.

The motive of wandering can be found already in Greek mythology. Probably everyone knows the myth about Daedalus and Icarus, who made an unfortunate journey, flight close to the sun. The theme of wandering is also popular in the Bible, even if Moses leads the chosen people to Canaan, and their journey becomes a symbol of endurance, seeking prosperity and happiness. The wandering motif is very clear in Odyssey Homera, where Odysseus the king of Ithaca makes many dangerous journeys to return to his home after the Trojan War, where his wife Penelope is waiting for him. Dziełem z motywem podróży jest też Divine Comedy Dante, in which the journey through hell and purgatory appears. The travel theme can be found in The little prince – in the book, the title character goes on an interplanetary journey, which has significant results. Innym dziełem zawierającym na swoich stronach motyw podróży jest Kordian Juliusz Słowacki - the protagonist travels around Europe there, which leads him to the top of Mont Black, where he gives his famous monologue.

There are many works with a travel theme. Some are more, others less known. If we want to consider the subject of motifs in more detail, I recommend using the dictionary of literary motifs. It should be in every library.